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Speak with an Enrollment Counselor

Our friendly Enrollment Counselors can answer all of your questions and help fast track your application to Mott Hall.  They can also give you a virtual tour of our classrooms and fast track your application at Mott Hall.


Consultations can be done virtually or over the phone, and are available Monday-Friday.  Our Counselors will provide all the info you need to 

start your Childs future at Mott Hall.


We're making Enrollment easier.


Fast track your application


Answers to your enrollment questions


Learn about our Student benefits


Get a virtual classroom tour

We understand that choosing the right charter School for your child is an important decision.  That's why we remove the frustrations from applying, for you.  Mott Hall's Enrollment Expert will guide you through all the steps needed to get your Child enrolled and starting their Education at Mott Hall quickly & headache free.

Mott Hall Charter School logo

Schedule your free session with an Enrollment Counselor.

Thanks for submitting, an Enrollment Expert will be in touch shortly!

Enroll your child at Mott Hall Charter school now with our Online Enrollment.

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