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School Uniforms

To foster a learning community free of distraction Mott Hall upholds a strict uniform policy. The policy is strictly enforced, with scholars expected to be in full uniform whenever they are on school grounds. Amendments to the uniform are only allowed for medical or religious reasons.  Wearing our uniform each day reflects all four of our school’s core values of responsibility, integrity, scholarship, and excellence.

Mott Hall Charter School Uniform Guidelines:

  • Cobalt Blue Mott Hall Charter School polo (8th grade only)

  • Gray or navy blue Khaki pants and knee-length or longer shorts or skirts (no leggings or cargo pants)

  • Navy Blue Mott Hall Charter School hoodies or sweatshirts

  • Brown or Black belt

  • Black sneaker (the only other accent color should be white)

  • 6th and 7th grade White/Gray uniform Mott Hall Polo


On gym days, scholars may choose to wear the following uniform:

  • Navy blue Mott Hall Charter School t-shirt or sweatshirt (with logo)

  • Navy blue Mott Hall Charter School sweatpants

  • Navy blue Mott Hall Charter School gym shorts

  • Black sneaker (the only other accent color should be white)


Please kindly note the additional uniform-related guidelines:

  • Scholars may not alter uniform pieces in any way  

  • Sunglasses and hats may not be worn in the school building

Mott Hall Students
Hands Raised

Order Uniforms

You can order your Uniforms from our Uniform partner. Click the link below to order yours today!

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Mott Hall Charter School Directrices Uniformes


  • Polo azul marino de Mott Hall Charter School (manga larga o corta con el logotipo)

  • Polo amarillo de Mott Hall Charter School (solo 8.º grado)

  • Pantalones khaki y pantalones cortos o faldas hasta la rodilla o más largos Khaki (no se permiten calzas ni pantalones cargo)

  • Sudaderas con capucha o sudaderas azul marino de Mott Hall Charter School

  • Cinturón marrón o negro Zapatilla

  • Tenis negra (el único otro color de acento debe ser blanco)


En los días de gimnasia, los estudiantes pueden elegir usar el siguiente uniforme:

  • Camiseta o sudadera azul marino de Mott Hall Charter School (con logo)

  • Pantalón de chándal azul marino Mott Hall Charter School

  • Pantalón corto de gimnasia azul marino Mott Hall Charter School

  • Tenis negra (el único otro color de acento debe ser blanco)


Tenga en cuenta las pautas adicionales relacionadas con el uniforme:

  • Los estudiantes no pueden alterar las piezas del uniforme de ninguna manera.

  • No se pueden usar gafas de sol ni sombreros en el edificio de la escuela.


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